How Chat GPT can help Digital Marketers with SEO

AI robot writing content on laptop

4 Ways Chat-GPT can help Digital Marketers with SEO

Here at Kaweb we were interested to explore the features of chat-GPT and wondered if we could use it to answer a fundamental question that all of us in the Digital marketing team are asking; ‘how can chat-GPT help SEO without breaking Google guidelines?’ 

Well firstly, as per Google’s advice we are disclosing the use of chat-GPT in this article, which is purely for experimental purposes in demonstrating the power of this tool.

*Full disclosure: The rest of this article was written by one of our very own SEO specialists, and a combination of chat-GPT queries along with just a few minor tweaks, and we think you’ll find the results astonishing (and helpful)…!

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Digital marketers use a variety of tools and techniques to improve the visibility and ranking of their websites on search engines. 

What is Chat-GPT?

Bursting onto the scene is chat-GPT – a large language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text. Along with other artificial intelligence (AI) tools and software, chat-GPT can be useful in helping digital marketers with SEO by providing insights, automating tasks, and analysing data.

How can Chat-GPT help with SEO?

Here are four ways in which chat-GPT can assist digital marketers with SEO:

  1. Keyword research: It is important to include relevant and popular keywords in the content and metadata of your website. If your website does not include the keywords that people are using to search for products or services like yours, it may be more difficult for your website to rank well on search engines.

Chat-GPT and other AI tools can help digital marketers identify the most relevant and popular keywords to use on their website. By analysing search data and user behaviour, these tools can provide insights into what terms and phrases people are using when searching for products or services.

Here is an example of how chat-GPT can be used for keyword research:

A. Identify the topic: The first step in using chat-GPT for keyword research is to identify the topic or theme that you want to focus on. For example, let’s say you are a digital marketer working for a clothing retailer and you want to optimise your website for keywords related to women’s fashion.

using chat gpt for keyword research

B. Input relevant prompts: Once you have identified the topic, you can input relevant prompts or questions into chat-GPT to generate a list of potential keywords. For example, you might input prompts like “What are the most popular trends in women’s fashion?” or “What are the best keywords for a women’s fashion website?

C. Analyse the results: Chat-GPT will then generate a list of potential keywords based on the prompts you have given it. You can then analyse the results to identify the most relevant and popular keywords to use on your website. For example, you might find that keywords like “women’s dresses,” “women’s shoes,” and “women’s accessories” are popular and relevant to your business.

By using chat-GPT for keyword research, you can quickly and easily generate a list of potential keywords to use on your website. This can save time and improve the accuracy and relevance of the keywords you choose, which can help improve the ranking of your website on search engines.

2. Content creation: AI tools can help digital marketers generate unique and high-quality content for their website. 

For example, chat-GPT can be used to create product descriptions or blog posts based on a set of keywords or prompts. This can save time and improve the accuracy and relevance of the content.

Here is an example of how chat-GPT can be used for SEO-optimised content creation:

A. Identify the topic: The first step in using chat-GPT for content creation is to identify the topic or theme that you want to focus on. For example, let’s say you are a digital marketer working for a home decor retailer and you want to create a blog post about the latest trends in home decor.

using chat gpt for content creation

B. Input relevant prompts: Once you have identified the topic, you can input relevant prompts or questions into chat-GPT to generate a draft of the content. For example, you might input prompts like “What are the top trends in home decor for 2021?” or “How can homeowners use colour to update their living spaces?”

C. Edit and revise the content: Chat-GPT will then generate a draft of the content based on the prompts you have given it. You can then edit and revise the content to make it more SEO-friendly and relevant to your business. For example, you might want to include relevant keywords, optimise the title and tags, and add internal and external links.

By using chat-GPT for content creation, you can quickly and easily generate high-quality, SEO-optimised content for your website. This can save time and improve the accuracy and relevance of the content, which can help improve the ranking of your website on search engines.

3. Link building: Links from other websites to your website can help improve its ranking on search engines. However, it is important to make sure that the links are from high-quality and relevant websites, and that they are placed in contextually relevant areas of the content. 

AI tools can help digital marketers identify potential link-building opportunities and automate the process of reaching out to other websites to request links.

Here is an example of how chat-GPT can be used for SEO link building:

A. Identify target websites: The first step in using chat-GPT for link building is to identify websites that you would like to get a link from. These can be websites in your industry or niche, or websites that have a high domain authority and are likely to have a positive impact on your search engine ranking.

B. Input relevant prompts: Once you have identified the target websites, you can input relevant prompts or questions into chat-GPT to generate a draft of an email or message to send to the website owner or editor. For example, you might input prompts like “How can I request a link from your website?” or “What are your guidelines for accepting external links?”

C. Edit and revise the message: Chat-GPT will then generate a draft of the message based on the prompts you have given it. You can then edit and revise the message to make it more personalised and relevant to the target website. For example, you might want to include specific details about your website or business and explain why a link from the target website would be beneficial to both parties.

By using chat-GPT for link building, you can quickly and easily generate personalised and relevant outreach messages to request links from other websites. This can save time and improve the chances of getting a positive response, which can help improve the ranking of your website on search engines.

4. On-page optimisation: The structure and layout of your website, as well as the quality and relevance of the content, can all impact its ranking on search engines. 

Make sure that your website is easy to navigate, has a fast loading speed, and is mobile-friendly. AI tools can help digital marketers optimise the content and structure of their website for search engines. 

This can include optimising titles, tags, and other metadata, as well as making sure that the website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.

Here is an example of how chat-GPT can be used for SEO on-page optimisation:

A. Identify the target pages: The first step in using chat-GPT for on-page optimisation is to identify the pages on your website that you want to optimise. These can be pages that are already ranking well on search engines, or pages that have potential to rank well but need improvement.

B. Input relevant prompts: Once you have identified the target pages, you can input relevant prompts or questions into chat-GPT to generate suggestions for improving the on-page elements of the page. For example, you might input prompts like “How can I optimise the title and tags for this page?” or “What are some good internal and external links to include on this page?”

chat gpt for on page seo

C. Implement the suggestions: Chat-GPT will then generate suggestions for improving the on-page elements of the page based on the prompts you have given it. You can then review and implement the suggestions as appropriate. 

For example, you might want to update the title and tags to include relevant keywords, add internal and external links, and optimise the layout and structure of the page.

By using chat-GPT for on-page optimisation, you can quickly and easily generate ideas for improving the on-page elements of your website. This can save time and improve the relevance and usability of your website, which can help improve the ranking of your website on search engines.

Overall, chat-GPT and AI tools and software can be useful in helping digital marketers with SEO by providing insights, automating tasks, and analysing data. 

By using these tools, digital marketers can improve the visibility and ranking of their website on search engines, which can lead to more traffic and potential customers.

How is Chat GPT going to affect digital marketing?

New updates, changes and tools are always being made available in the digital marketing industry. Chat GPT is definitely a big change everyone is now talking about. Chat GPT gives digital marketers a bit of a helping hand by using all of the data from 2021 it can access. It’s going to be extremely helpful for coming up with creative new ideas that you can use as part of your marketing strategy.

Real talk about Chat GPT

It’s important to add a bit of realism here so we’re looking at the bigger picture.

1. Chat GPT doesn’t give you the experience of an SEO specialistDigital marketing takes time to learn because there is an awful lot of information from the basics to the more advanced stuff. In particular, our SEO specialists are specialists because they have the wealth of experience; learning what works and what doesn’t day in day out.

Chat GPT crawls all of the data it can to give you the best possible churn out. But it can’t give you the experience and understanding behind it of how the search engine works.

2. It only has data from July 2021

At Kaweb, we’re focused on being data-led. That’s why we’re proud of the results we get for our clients. So we are passionate about always leading with the most updated data and statistics. That’s why we think it’s important to acknowledge that while Chat GPT has its benefits, it can only provide information and ideas from 2021. So it might be slightly out of date.

3. Chat GPT produces robot-written text, not by humans!

Google has developed its guidelines so much over the recent years, producing the EAT (expert – authority – trustworthiness) update and much more. So, it’s definitely become increasingly intelligent on what content is genuinely authoritative, and what is nothing more than low quality content.

In fact, Google released a post on 15 December 2022 explaining that there is now “an extra E for Experience” on the E-A-T guidelines. So, Google is pretty on it when it comes to spotting when the author shows real experience in their field, and when they don’t.

Given that this is an AI tool, we believe Google will be able to tell pretty quickly whether the content is written properly by a human or by a robot. If it suspects low quality or outdated content, you’re far less likely to rank because Google only likes the good stuff.

Need help with your SEO or content? Come and chat to us. Or, check out some of the real life businesses we’ve worked with on our projects page.

Written by Katie McDonald in Digital Marketing